Ya Rabb...Help us to be generous with kind words and compliments.Teach us never to ignore,never to hurt and never to take each other for granted.Engrave charity and compassion on our hearts.Amin...Assalammualaikum para bloggers dan pelawat-pelawat yg diRahmati Allah.Saya hanya Insan biasa yg banyak kekhilafan.Masih bertatih memperbaiki diri sendiri.Blog ini saya ciptakan sekadar mengingati diri saya sendiri,sebagai inspirasi untuk saya lebih mencintai Allah,mencintai Muhammad SAW Dan mencintai Islam Yg indah ini.Semoga kandungan blog ini memberi manfaat,kesedaran untuk diri saya sendiri khususnya.Dan sesungguhnya,saya hanya ingin berkongsi ilmu Dan kebaikan ... Fiisabilillah ...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Things Worth Crying For

~Letting a day (or days) pass by without reading the book of Allah.

~Lack of presence in prayer.

~Not yearning for Paradise.

~Fear of hell-fire, and punishment of the grave.


~Being distant from Allah and not doing anything to get closer to Him.

~Not knowing whether Allah has accepted one’s deeds, or whether it has been corrupted by ostentation.

~Not worshiping Allah as He deserves to be worshiped.

~Thinking about the meeting with Allah.

The Prophet Muhammad SAW said,

“There are seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade. [One of them]: and a man who remembered Allah in private and so his eyes shed tears."

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